Today would have been my Mom's 76th birthday. It makes me sad she didn't get to see all the grandkids and great-grandkids. She so wanted to, but it just didn't happen. Dale and I were only married 4 months when she died.
To celebrate her life, here a few of the pictures I found of her, in no particular order...

The picture above has written on the back, "Florence at Stanley Rock." I have no idea where that is or when this was taken.
I don't know when this was taken either, but Mom looks pretty young!

And she looks pretty young in this picture also...

I am assuming she was the one to get the deer in this picture since she is posing with it, but don't know for certain.
The next couple of pictures had to be taken in the late 1950's, because that's me with Mom in both of the following pictures.


Here's a couple of bathing beauties. . .

Once again, I don't know where the picture was taken, but the other looker in the picture is one of Mom's friends, Mary Lee Reed.
I don't know what year this was taken either. Too bad the date wasn't printed on all these pictures!

And a good picture of Mom and Dad...

Here's Mom holding a palomino horse we had, and that's Maria riding it.

Here's a fairly rare picture of our whole family together. It was taken in Washington, D.C. We went to visit Charles while he was attending Gallaudet College.

This picture was taken by Michael Boggs at mine and Dale's wedding in 1972.

And this last picture didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, but it's a picture of Mom with another one of her friends, Betty Metheney. There were up at the Metheney place, making apple butter.

Sadly, it couldn't have been more than a year or so before she died, as she passed away on April 26, 1973, about a month and a half shy of her 39th birthday.
I still miss her.