At least for a while....
Here we are, safe at home again. We left Friday morning, and got home Monday evening. I am exhausted!
Yesterday I went grocery shopping, which wears me out, plus there were some outside chores I needed to catch up on. Then Jess and I went to a Farmer’s Credit Bureau Customer Appreciation dinner last night. It was held in a city about an hour away. We left a little after 5pm and weren’t home until 9pm. So I never made it to the computer to make any blog entries yesterday.
And did I mention I’m exhausted??
Not so very long ago I figured once this trip to West Virginia was over, I’d be free the rest of this year to work on remodeling and photography and writing and maybe even… gasp! Resting!
How wrong I was.
Somehow, we’ve ended up with a whole new set of events penciled on the calendar: First we added a visit from Richard, Chrystie & Ellie at the end of October. Then Randy is going to Florida in November for a seminar, and staying on for Thanksgiving at the Sanford home, and why don’t we go too? So we are.
Due to Ellie being sick and our Pigeon Forge vacation last January getting washed out, Richard and Chrystie have a voucher for a cabin there they aren’t going to use, and wanted to know if we’d like to have it. Wow, yeah! So sometime between now and the end of the year, Jess and I are going to Pigeon Forge for a mini-vacation.
And last, but not least! While in West Virginia, my Dad expressed some apprehension about traveling alone on his upcoming trip to Alaska and Canada. So who in the family has the necessary passport to go along? Yep, yours truly is the only one. Jess and I talked it over, and I told Dad before we left Monday that if he’d feel better with someone along, I’d go with him.
I guess he decided he would indeed like company, because we weren’t home long Monday night before I got a call informing me of the details, and the bottom line is I’m accompanying Dad on a trip to Alaska in September.
Wow indeed!
All of these things are great and I’m looking forward to them. But they all take some preparation and energy. And in the meantime, I still need to do all the things I thought I was going to have time for, PLUS getting ready for all the new things. I try not to worry if I’ll be up to all this, and the pain levels will permit me to do the things I need to do, let alone all the things I’d like to do.
So much for a quiet second half of this year!
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