You know, one of those days when everything goes to hades in a handbasket (and where did that saying ever come from anyway?)
Earlier in the week, the water line to the ice maker/water dispenser on the fridge started leaking. Jess figured he'd fix it this weekend. Jonathan helped him pull out the fridge this morning - a big undertaking in itself since it's a side-by-side refrigerator/freezer tucked in a space just big enough to hold it!
Unfortunately, there wasn't enough line left to cut below the leak and pull the rest through to attach back to the fridge. Jess tried several different methods of "jury rigging", but at the end of the day... the line still leaked.
If that wasn't bad enough, we discovered the furnace isn't working. Jess tried restarting it several times, but it didn't cooperate. We called the repair guy, but got an answering machine, and who knows if he'll bother to call before Monday.
That wouldn't be so bad, except we're supposed to LEAVE for Florida on Monday. Now what?
For my part, I came to the realization there is no way I can completely finish the calendar before leaving Monday. Richard volunteered to work on it while I'm gone, so hopefully I won't have so much to do when we get back, and can get it ready for sales fairly quickly.
So instead of another day working on the calendar, I spent the day doing laundry, getting a game turn ready to send in, doing laundry, started to get things together to take on the trip, did more laundry (do you detect a pattern here?), baking birdie bread and cupcakes, doing laundry, getting a newsletter out for some missionary friends, and otherwise keeping busy with stuff I need to get done before leaving.
I still have a lot to get done Sunday to finish getting everything ready for this trip.
Guess I'd better get to bed, since it's 1:11am, and I need to be busy tomorrow!
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