
Birdie Entertainment

Earlier today I was working in the kitchen preparing lunch. Things were not going as I planned, and I was rather out of sorts. There was no doubt a black cloud over my head.

Pretty soon I heard the patter of little feet. VERY little feet. In came my parrot, looking to see what was happening. She loves to explore in the kitchen. She immediately spied an open cupboard door, and made for it as fast as her little birdie legs would take her.

I let her go, figuring she couldn't get into much trouble there, as there were some pitchers between her and the cookbooks behind (that particular cupboard opens from both sides). As usual, I was wrong. Next time I turned around and looked for her, she was gone.

I started searching and hollered, "Baby, where are you?" No doubt I sounded aggravated. VERY aggravated. The second time I said it, I heard this little voice from behind a cupboard door say, "I loooovvvvve you."

I opened the cupboard door and saw two little birdie eyes peeking back at me from her perch on top of some cookbooks. She said,"Silly bird. Step up? Step up?"

What could I do but laugh??? It's like having a little kid around who knows they got in trouble, and is looking for a way out.

She went back to her cage, and I went back to my kitchen in much better humor.