
Trying to Keep Up

I’m learning lots of stuff with this course I’m taking, and I’m moving ahead each day, but never as much as I’d hoped. And I’ve had to back track a few times to redo stuff as I learn new things and realize there was a better way of doing something, or that I need to shift my focus just a little, or … whatever.

Just trying to decide who I am is a chore! Do I use my "real" name, or a pen name, or my own first name and a different last name, or what? I've got to make up my mind, and it has to go across several interconnected blogs, and just trying to figure this out is driving me crazy! (Okay, crazier than usual.)

This week I didn’t get as much done on Monday since it was a holiday and I wasn’t home alone (come on, you know how much easier it is to get work done when you’re all by yourself and fewer distractions), and then it’s been a big phone week. We had an advanced training call yesterday, a 2-hour Question & Answer session this evening, and have TWO training calls tomorrow.

Whew! With trying to keep up around the house and farm, and trying to get all this information crammed into my head, and get new blogs and websites fixed up while learning new software and more, I’m having trouble keeping up.

Just take the new software for instance. I’m having to learn a new blogging platform, switching from Blogger to Wordpress. I’ve having to learn how to use autoresponders. I’m having to learn how to use Google Analytics and Google Optimizer.

Then I also have to know how to create a download page, an opt-in page, how to ping, and a whole bunch of other stuff with acronyms like JV’s, SEO, PPC, PLR’s, MRR and on and on! It would take up too much space to list it all here (plus bore you to tears)! Suffice it to say, I’m on information overload.

And if learning new things keeps your brain active, mine is positively in overdrive!