
Catching Up Is Hard To Do

As the saying goes, I’m so far behind if God waits for me to finish everything before calling me home, I’ll never die. Since we know everyone dies, guess some day I’ll leave behind a lot of unfinished business. Sorry kids, guess then you’ll get to work on whatever’s left that needs done.

But for now, I’m still plugging away. Right now these things are tops on my agenda:
  • Packing up and mailing fiber orders,
  • Taking care of peafowl eggs and newly hatched peachicks,
  • All the other usual farm and household chores, plus
  • Catching up on my health food blog,
  • Trying to get some work done on some of my other blogs, and
  • Starting work on my 90 Day Challenge.

The last is a matter of starting to put up websites and following the outlined plan. At the end of 3 months I’m supposed to have 12 income-producing sites. Of course, there’s a time lag and you aren’t supposed to expect any income for the first 30-60 days. Then the older the site gets and the more you work on it, the better it should be at producing income.

We’re not talking mega bucks here, but it’s the first leg of the tripod I’m building for making money. My goal is to have 3 income streams, so if one goes bust, there are still two others to produce money.

But one (or two) thing(s) at a time.

Right now my biggest frustrations are time and computers.

Time. As in there’s never enough of it. Productive time. Not time I’m so tired I can’t think straight, like this morning after scant sleep. Some idiot called at midnight last night, just about the time I was going to sleep. No one calls here at midnight, so of course I was thinking something dire happened! It was a wrong number, but after that I was so jazzed I had trouble getting to sleep, so my brain wasn’t fully powered this morning. (No smart aleck remarks please. I get enough of those from the SA’s around here.)

Anyway, I keep trying to figure out ways to manage my time better, and looking for places to cut back on other things I’m doing to make more time for “work work.” I’m not having much success in finding ways to cut back though.

And I waste a lot of time with the computer. No, I’m not talking about surfing the internet or browsing blogs. These days I barely keep up with the half dozen or so blogs I used to read regularly.

No, the problem is my prehistoric laptop. Sometimes I think I could chisel stone quicker than my laptop wants to process input. It’s really frustrating waiting for seems like an eternity (okay, it’s only seconds or minutes in reality) for the computer to do a task the desktop computer would complete instantly.

So why don’t I use the desktop? Well, first off, the sound isn’t working on it, and sometimes I need to listen to something. Secondly, I can only sit in that chair for so long before I have to get up and move elsewhere.

For now I’ll keep plugging away on the laptop, trying to find ways to make more time for work on the computer, and pretend every once in a while I’m sleeping or resting or gee, even just goofing off.

But for now, writing on my personal blog is about as close to goofing off as it gets.