

Somewhere between yesterday and today I reached the half-way point of this 90 Day Challenge. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.

On a positive note:

· I do have the 8 sites up I’m supposed to have at this point.
· Jonathan is helping me with one site by writing the blog posts.
· The first little trickle of money has appeared from AdSense.
· I’m learning a lot.
· And I’m halfway DONE.

On the bad side of the ledger:

· I haven’t got near as much done as I’m supposed to have finished by now.
· By the middle of October I’m supposed to have yet 4 more sites up (and you can’t imagine how much work it is to do just ONE. I have an EIGHT page spreadsheet with instructions for the set-up).
· The work needing done is positively RELENTLESS.
· There needs to be a LOT more money coming in to even come close to last year’s winner, and more importantly, to make it worth the time I'm spending.
· It's really hard to keep up with this and do all the farm chores and household chores.
· Most people aren’t a bit interested in what I’m doing (but this is my blog so I can write what I want to).
· And I’m only HALFWAY done.

Thank goodness for RR who allows me to spout off in emails to her, though I’m sure a lot of what I’m talking about makes little sense to her. Still, she’s getting an education second-hand, and one of these days might have a chance to impress someone with what she knows about this particular subject. (She knows bunches about other things too of course. ;-) ) She gets out and about a lot more than I do, so she might have the opportunity!

And I suppose I should be encouraged because even though I don’t have as much done as I’m supposed to have finished by now, the first few pennies are dropping into the accounts. That means people are starting to visit the sites, as in, there is traffic. VERY important, because if no one visits the site, it doesn’t matter how good it is, you can’t make any money from it.

And I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m learning a lot. Stuff I struggled for hours to do when I first started is old hat now. I’ve got a grip on the different software and tools I’m using. I’ve adapted some things that didn’t work for me. I’m getting a feel for what I like and what I positively do NOT like.

Now if I can just survive 45 more relentless days of work.

The last few months have been an interesting journey. It’s been a lot like going to college, but without the fellowship and fun, ha! You have to pay to learn stuff. Some of what you paid for ends up being worthless. But other courses, seminars, etc. have been good enough that I gleaned useful knowledge from them, though I probably won’t use it quite as intended (adapt, adapt!). And then there are gems here and there that are excellent and have helped me a lot, and worth every penny.

I get discouraged with my progress, but I try to remind myself I’m essentially learning a whole new job or career or business or whatever you want to call it. I know a lot more than I did 6 months ago, but not near as much as I’m going to know in another 6 months. It’s the old, “The more I learn, the more I find out there is to learn.”

Fact is, there are lots of ways to make money on the internet. But if ever there was an area with a bunch of con artists, it’s for selling you on making money on the internet. “Push a button, lay on the beach, and bring in millions!” Uh-huh.

Well, the only way that is possible is if you’ve done a ton of work BEFORE you get to the beach. It’s not as easy as most of the guys selling you this stuff would like you to think it is. (If it was, most everyone would be an internet millionaire, right?) It’s most certainly NOT effortless. It takes work to make any money, whether you’re doing it on the internet or anywhere else.

And like any other way of making money, there are ethical ways, not so ethical ways, some that skirt right on the edge of the law, and some that you can actually feel good about doing. So do you want to go to work wearing a White Hat or a Black Hat?

The bottom line is figuring out what you actually enjoy doing, which things work, and which are bunk. Of course, the more I learn, the easier that is, but I’ll confess I’ve goofed here and there. I just have to chalk those experiences up to learning what NOT to do.

And just keep on trying, with or without encouragement.


I am awed by your brilliant mind and relentless fortitude. I wish I had some of your curiosity of life.


You are sooooo sweet! Thanks for the kind words!