I've already made a call to the credit card company. They assure me I got credit for the $848.76 (that amount has become blazoned on my brain, yuck!). The lady I spoke to at the Fraud Department thinks there must be a glitch in the notification system. However, although she assured me I had the credit, she also told me to "keep an eye on it" to make sure nothing posted.
Man, I was soooooo naive about all this. I figured once you called your credit card company and canceled a card, maybe filled out a form, that's the end of it. Ha! And again I say, HA!
Once I get the new card, I'm going to wait a while to activate it. I want to be sure all this mess is cleared up. I'd hate to have to totally cancel the card and lose all the air miles I've accumulated, but. . . I'll just see how it goes.
As for my account at Colonial Bank, which in case you haven't seen the news. . .
- "In its fifth-largest bank failures in the US history, Colonial BancGroup Inc., Montgomery, Alabama, was seized by regulators on Friday. Branch Banking and Trust (BB&T), Winston-Salem, North Carolina, will assume all of the Deposits of Colonial Bank."
Fortunately, I'm not a stock holder there, because it's a far different matter if that's the case. The stock is in the toilet.
Also, I've done a quick run through my websites and didn't see any hack jobs, though I still have to figure out how to fix the one he hacked Friday, and update the Wordpress on a second. A series of emails to the server company turns up there was a mix-up there, and I need to reinstall again. More work. . . sigh. . .
But at least there seem to be some rays of sunshine, and maybe something hopeful to start out the week.
PLEEEEAAASSEEEE, let this be a better week!!!!
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