Well, when I last wrote I was pretty down in the dumps. Thankfully, those times don’t usually last very long. After a couple of days the IV effects wore off and I started feeling more normal (no smart aleck remarks now about how normal and me are total strangers).
Otherwise, things are perking along pretty much as usual. I still have more things to do than I can possibly get done, but at least I’m moving forward.
I didn’t realize I’d made any concrete progress until I got the mail today however. I keep track of the major places I do affiliate marketing on blogs, and still mostly big fat zeros on all but one. However, there are some stand-alone products I market, too, and I don’t check those so regularly.
I was thrilled to get a check in the mail from one of them today! I had no idea it was coming. I thought at first it was one of those fake checks, trying to get you to buy something using the check more or less as a coupon off the purchase price. Nope, this was the real deal!
It wasn’t a huge check, but it’s a start. One of my classmates was thrilled to make her first $5 commission, and this was way more than that at least! (Yes, more than ten times that much in fact!)
In class we keep hearing how there seems to be a long, long time before anything happens and most people give up too soon. They also keep drilling in our heads about continuing to build. Cause once the work is out there, someday one sale will become two becomes four becomes more and more. Keep plugging away and let the work build on itself.
So while it wasn’t a lot of money, it was an encouragement. Classes aren't over, but I'm on my way!
If anyone can do it, you can Tish. I always stand in awe of you. Congratulations on the first of many to come!
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