Whatever happened to way back when I was a kid, and thinking it was taking such a VERY long time to get to 16, because after all, when I got to be 16 I could do everything? I could get contacts, I could date, I could drive, I could.... well, you get the idea.
Well, I don't want to be 16 again. In fact, if I was in a time machine, I'd probably go back to about 30 or so. I think that's a good age. You've got more a grip on who you are and what you want out of life. A little life experience and maturity under your belt.
But then, 30 isn't a magic number either. I'm still rediscovering who I am, and what I want, and it doesn't stay the same from one day to the next. Okay, the basics do, but there are always changes. You can't be living and not changing. If you never changed, well, that would be a sad state of affairs.
Even more on time passing so quickly. . .
I was wearing an old tee shirt this week that said,
"My grandchildren are as cute as buttons."
These days, I only have one grandchild I could say that about. The others have gotten past the "cute as buttons" stage and are gorgeous young ladies and handsome young men. Again, how did that happen so fast? And even our little Ellie who can still be classified as cute... well, she started kindergarten this year.
Time keeps on slippin' away.
I'm reminded of that every time I look at my spreadsheets and where I should be business wise. Time keeps relentlessly speeding up and I don't get things done I wanted to.
For instance, I spent a large part of the last week learning some new software. I hereby confess I positively HATE learning new software. But once I've figured it out, it's like, "Wow! This is really cool!"
This time was no different. It took a long time to set-up everything and figure out how to work it, but now it will be a big time saver and a great asset to the business.
But all that being said, it put me behind for the moment, and I didn't get work done on a lot of stuff I wanted to finish up this week.
Still taking time to learn. . .
The SEO webinars that lasted from 7:30pm until 1:30am DID finish up this past week however. But there is a follow-up course in October on a related subject. And I still have a different course on Tuesday nights, but thankfully it doesn't last as long. On the other hand, neither does it deliver so much information! But shorter seminars allow you to digest and implement stuff a little quicker. Too much information and the brain kind of short-circuits, and I wonder what to do first!
As for the rest of the clan. . .
Jesse isn't having the time of his life at the moment, considering he has a cold. Also, he's been pretty busy at work, and his plan for taking Fridays off hasn't been happening because of that.
To add insult to injury, a guy he did a bunch of work for just went out of business. He owed Jess a bunch of money, but no way to collect it, so Jess and all this guy's other creditors are just up the creek without a paddle, too bad, so sad.
Jonathan is working over time this week, and only had one day off. His usual days off are Thursday and Saturday, but he's got to work today to help cover for people being out.
And now it's time to close. . .
Well, I need to get back to work. Hope those of you reading this have a good time this week!
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