"the phenomenon of vitality and freshness being restored "And while physical vitality and freshness might not have been restored, the vacation was a good rejuvenation of the heart and spirit. It was time off from working online, and great fun to visit with the kids and grandkid.
Another day we were headed to Fort Pickens to look around, but Jess was hungry for Zaxby's Chicken. That was in the other direction, and after we ate we ended up looking around at stuff in that area instead of going back to Fort Pickens.
It was a great week and it's always sad when it's time to say good-bye. Richard, Chrystie and Ellie were headed to Minneapolis for the weekend, and Jesse was headed to Tuscaloosa for a men's conference. He drove from Pensacola Beach to the hotel south of Tuscaloosa and met up with some of the other guys from church.
I punched in our home address and Miss Garmin and I headed north. By the time I made it home, we'd been 9 hours on the road, and somewhere between 3 and 3 1/2 of those I was driving. For most people that's not a big deal, and at one time it wouldn't have been for me either. Now it's a different story. Holding my right arm up to the steering wheel and moving it back and forth for 3 hours is bad news.
That's where the recuperation phase comes in. I drove home Friday. Here it is Monday and I'm just now starting to get back to normal pain levels. And the chronic fatigue syndrome doesn't like such shenanigans either. I've had very little energy to do anything for the last few days.
Hopefully tomorrow that will all change and I'll be able to get more work done!
Yep, that's me, I've been plagued by nodi the last 3 months! Actuallly, it hasn't been quite 3 months since I started this project, but it's getting mighty close. And I am sooooo close to being ready to 'go live'!
I have the book done. I have the bonus reports done. I have the sales page, and other necessary pages done. The membership site... well, as of today I think I've *finally* got it whipped. It has been a week in the making, but I think the vendor and membership softwares are now talking to each other correctly.
My last major hurdle is streaming video. I'm beginning to hate it. Unfortunately, I have 71 videos I need to put in on the membership site. I thought I'd put a link there and people watch the video and easy-peasy, right?
Ha! And again I say, HA!
First off, with that many videos, I can't reliably host them on my website. I ended up learning how to use Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service). Or at least, learning enough to get my videos uploaded and viewable and the links I need. (That's fodder for another post... on how many things I have had to learn to do this: how many videos I've watched, manuals I've read, research and reports and.... !!!)
Anyway, you can't just put the links on the site. You need a PLAYER for the video. And there's the rub.
I've looked at shareware but can't use it on a commercial site. I've looked at services for 'building' the players for each video, but there's a monthly fee. I looked at a whole lot of software, but wow! $90 a site, and for unlimited use anywhere from $1000-$2000.
I finally found a reasonably priced software that is supposed to work on html or php files (I'm using both), will work within a membership site, will work with mp4 files, and will also work with videos hosted on AS3.
But you caught that one little word didn't you? SUPPOSED to work. I've tried every combination I can think of for files, folders, server paths, etc. I've spent days trying to make this work. I've emailed support a dozen times.
It *looks* simple. And I get a nice player on the page... but it doesn't play the video! I've tried and tried and still no success. I work and work until I finally fall in bed exhausted when I can't focus my eyes any more to try something else.
To parapharase Thomas Edison, "I now know a thousand ways not to get a video to play."
But one of these days, and soon (I hope!), the light bulb is going to come on and those dadratted videos are going to play correctly!
And then, my friends, it's going to be time to 'party hearty dudes'!
Well done thou good and faithful servants.
Once they've gone to that great shoe heaven in the sky, the scruffy looking white shoes will take their place as my work shoes, and the spiffy new white shoes will be my inside shoes and going to the grocery store shoes.
Jonathan and I made our regular run to the grocery store today, and there was very little bread left on the shelves... NO hot dog buns at all! The milk shelves looked pretty bare too. Anyway, we're now stocked up on food. Our only problem is if the electricity goes out... how do we stay warm??? No electricity, no furnace, no heat.
Fortunately, Jonathan was back home from his evening shift before it started to snow. He's supposed to work day shift at Domino's tomorrow, but the plan is if he can come... come. But if the roads are bad, just stay home. They're probably going to do carry out only tomorrow, no deliveries.
Jess isn't planning on going to work tomorrow, so looks like we're just going to hunker down and hope however much it snows, it doesn't take down the power lines.
Facebook is full of comments from people in the area talking about Snowmageddon, and hoping they get to go sleigh riding.
For my part, I don't mind the snow... just hope we don't have any ice storms. That's when we have problems.
Guess we'll see how bad this snowmageddon gets!
So the old is out, and now here we are, into the new year of 2011!
Oh, you're wondering if I have any New Year's Resolutions??? Why, yes I do.
What are they? It's a secret, ha, ha!
Okay, it's mostly just to get back on track with stuff I started last year. The biggest thing different is while I am frantically trying to amp up my business to also try and get some stuff done at home AND also keep in better contact with friends and family.
Sure could use more hours in my days!