I thought I'd take a break from writing.
Oh wait! I'm writing again!
Well, this is different.
I'm not going to do any research for this post.
I am not going to worry that I am 100% correctly factual.
I may even lie to you. (I just turned 39 my last birthday... isn't it amazing I have kids that are 30+ years old?)
Okay, here's something that is no lie. Building a business is not for sissies. I have an increased respect for every successful business person out there. It means they stuck it out when the going got tough and that they've had the combination of savvy and good fortune to make it.
Building an online business reminds me a lot of coding in html. Everything has to be done just right for it all to work. If you mess up one part, it doesn't matter how good the other parts are, the whole thing is messed up. Did you forget to put a measly little . (period!) in there? Too bad, nothing will work until you figure out what you did wrong.

Okay, it might not be quite that stringent, but there are still a lot of parts that have to come together. And a lot of decisions to be made. All very tough for the person with ADD and focus problems (Look! A squirrel's in the front yard! Is that the bird hollering for a taxi ride? What's the dog barking at? Oh, look, there's an article of interest. Look! I could use that info later. Wow! Who would have thought of that....)
Not that I would know ANYTHING about all that....
Was there a point to all this?
Probably not. It's just nice to write and not have to get it all as perfect as possible. I figure it's my blog and I can write whatever I want. You don't have to read it, right? Right.
Okay, break time's over... time to get back to work.
M.O.R.E. R.E.S.E.A.R.C.H. N.O.W.
(More Of Reading Everything -- Really Entirely SUPER Entirely A Real Crushing Helping -- Not Overly Wonderful)
Your children aren't a day over 25!
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