Of course, it's also,
- National Seafood Bisque Day
- National Seafood Month (October)
- National Sarcastic Month (October)
I got an email from Richard after he read that with what I consider a brilliant one-liner ....
Well clearly I need to spend more of my life eating seafood.
That one made me laugh. He very succinctly managed to roll all those holidays into one sentence. Awesome!
But back to evaluating your life day. Or in this case, I'm evaluating MY life. The days of which seem to be whizzing by at an alarming rate at this point. As Jean-Luc Picard said in the Star Trek movie, "Generations"...
I've become aware that there are fewer days ahead than there are behind.
Time, time, I'm running out of time!!! There are so many things I would have liked to have done, and not likely to have time to do them all now.
So it's TIME to pick and choose. Some of the choices are made for me, as time flows by and things change. For instance, if I EVALUATE my business, it's in need of a major overhaul. This year has been a disaster business-wise.
Some of that is my own fault, for making what turned out to be the wrong decision. I went into business with someone, and that business sucked up just about all my time the first half of the year, and it turned out to be a bad move. That business is now defunct, and the time spent on it a waste.
Well, maybe not entirely a waste. I have learned I'm better off working on my own, no matter how much the gurus may tout the wonders of partnerships and mastermind groups.
I have also learned I'm better off trusting my own instincts than listening to most of the stuff those very same gurus spout.
Further, I have learned that most of what they teach is how to make a quick buck, but not necessarily how to build a long-term business.
So in my evaluating the business part of my life, I have decided I would rather build for the long-term. I'm in the process of changing my priorities and what I work on. Briefly, that means I'm paring down the number of websites I have so I can focus on certain subjects. I am moving more into Kindle books. I'm adding Squidoo and Pinterest to the mix, and looking for ways to get traffic without relying on Google, the killer of small business sites.
As for the rest of my life, I'm evaluating it too, but I don't want a novella here. Let's just say of all the things I've done, I'm not sure how many were really worthwhile. But at least I have two good sons on the credit leger:
And one really cute granddaughter:
Now I've got some other really awesome grandchildren, but I can't take any credit for them! Ellie is the only one with any of my genes (poor girl!).
But enough of this somewhat public evaulation.... I'm off to do some more evaluating of my life and what to do now on my own!
Time to see if I can take some of these lemons and make lemonade!
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