I know a couple of extra special ones.
First, there’s my husband, Jess. When we got married he already had a family. My sons were in their teens, and had been through a really rough time with their biological father leaving. Jess not only helped care for them financially, but went above and beyond that and adopted them in his heart. He taught Jonathan how to drive, he helped them in whatever ways he could, and showed both boys he CARED about them. He was there for them when they needed him.
He didn’t have to do that. He could have gotten by with a much more superficial relationship, but instead he stepped in and became the father they needed. A REAL dad.

And while taking time for Richard and Jonathan, he didn’t forget his own kids. Every one of them is special to him. He really cares about every single member of his family, including all the grandchildren. And we love him all the more for it.
Then there’s my son, Richard. From the time his daughter, Ellie, was born, he’s been active in helping take care of her. He showers her with love and attention. I am in awe with how much he does to help take care of her. I’d like to say I did a good job raising him, but the truth is, we all make our own choices, and it was HIS choice to be the kind of parent he is. I don’t believe Ellie could have a better dad.

Not only does he dote on Ellie, but he also dotes on her mother. One of the best things a Dad can do for his children is to love their mother and provide a happy, stable home. In this day and age, it doesn’t happen near often enough. It’s a blessing to see when it does.
To say I’m proud of him is such an understatement.
Both of these Dads take the extra step, the extra time, the extra love, and really show their children how much they care. They are what a Dad should be and more. Any man would do well to emulate them.
Jess and Richard – I salute you.
Thanks for being such great Dads!
Well, you about made ME cry, that's for sure! Every word you wrote was right-on, because Jess and Richard really are FANTASTIC dads (and, for Jess, a terrific Grandpa--or, as Ellie would say--Bababa, too!). I am blessed EVERY DAY because of Richard's role as a dad and husband, and I thank YOU for a lot of that!
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