
The Trek Commences

I've been thinking about writing a blog for a long time. My dear daughter(-in-law) gave me that last little shove I needed to jump on the bandwagon by sharing her most excellently written blog with me.

So, ta da! Here I am, finally writing my first blog.

I've procrastinated for ages, because I figured I ought to have something really good to write about in my first-ever blog, right? Nice idea, but I finally decided if I waited around for that perfect inspiration, I was never going to get started, so here's an imperfect blog from an imperfect person, just another pilgrim making that trek day by day.

And of course, that's why I titled my blog "Today's Trek." Every day is a few more steps along the way, another stage of our journey, and by the way, while we're on this trek, why be normal? MUCH more interesting to be un-average, different, downright eccentric even. (NO, I did NOT say strange, weird or abnormal. Eccentric is a much nicer word.)

So stay tuned in to "Today's Trek". Some days it will be funny, some days thoughtful, some days maybe even a little sad. Just like real life, cause hey! That's what our trek is, life's journey.

Trekking onward...


Drat, and I was thinking this was a sci-fi Star Trek blog you were starting... sigh. And I might add... eccentric? Hehe -- I've heard THAT one before, but I know what it REALLY means ;)
Nonetheless, good start, and look forward to hearing more of your eccentric life (especially the bits about your AMAZING older son)!


Hi Tish

What A good idea

Love Ya

Kieren x x x


Do you mean to say that I actually have influence on more people than "just" Richard?! Good to see ya 'round these parts!