It's official - my laptop has been rescued from the brink of annihilation. Back home again where it belongs, it is humming along quite nicely, with a nice, bright screen again. It’s also picked up speed, as I had a little more memory installed while they were working on it.
The problem was a bad inverter. The part cost $99; the labor cost $99. It wasn’t exactly a cheap fix, but it was cheaper than any of the local estimates, with parts alone costing $250-$500, and labor $25 for every 15 minutes.
In case you ever have a problem with your laptop and are unable to fix it yourself, I highly recommend Laptop Rescue. To give you a feel for how long it takes from sick to well computer, here’s the timeline:
Monday, August 20th: The light goes out on the monitor.
Tuesday, August 21st: Contacted Laptop Rescue; special shipping box ordered.
Thursday, August 23rd: The box arrived and I packed up the laptop.
Friday, August 24th: UPS picked up the box for shipment to Laptop Rescue.
Tuesday, August 28th: Got an email saying they’d received my laptop in the morning, and by late afternoon another email asking me to call about options for fixing it.
Wednesday, August 29th: Talked to rep about repairs needed and price, gave the okay for fixing it – they started working on it as we spoke, and mailed it back the same day.
Friday, August 31: Computer delivered back to my door.
In other words, 10 days from the time I contacted Laptop Rescue about repairs until I had the laptop back in my possession. It would have been only 7 days if I had packaged the computer myself and sent it, instead of waiting on the special shipping box to arrive from Maryland.
However, the box was well cushioned with special foam, made to fit a laptop and prevent any damage during transit, and came with shipping insurance. It was delivered to my door with a shipping label inside, so once I packed up the computer, I could have UPS pick up the package right at my door instead of having to drive to one of their shipping locations. It made shipping safe and easy, but if you’re in a hurry, you could save time by packaging and shipping the computer yourself.
Would I do the same thing if I had to do it all over again?
Ask me again in a year or two. If this computer is still chugging away, then yes, it was well worth the cost. If it dies within the next few months, ouch, it was a bad gamble and a waste of money. Then the cost of repairs, $18 shipping each way, and extra money I paid because I was in a time crunch and opted for the higher priced, guaranteed quicker turn-around time, would have been a nice chunk towards the cost of a new laptop.
But for now I’m quite happy to have my laptop back and in working order. It is soooooo much nicer to be able to sit on the couch and shift around as needed to change the point of contact and pain, than being stuck in a chair in front of the desktop computer.
Thank you Laptop Rescue!
Yay, a computer company does does the job well & on-time! Definitely remember them! (As will I now...)
Yippee! I was just thinking about how I am totally addicted to my laptop and would CRY if I had to go back to a desktop! Plus, I know that for you, there's additional "physical comfort" issues, so I was praying that you would be able to fix it for "cheap"! And now you can take it with you to Washington and Alaska, whoo hoo! Speaking of...what day do you leave again? Richard and I were trying to remember. It's all coming VERY SOON, and we're already praying that you feel GOOD during the whole trip. I am sooo excited for you! You've been talking about how an Alaskan cruise would be your "dream trip" from the time we met! Will the ship have wireless internet (read: will we receive pics and updates DURING the trip? ;-))? At any rate, welcome home to Laptop!
Being without my laptop for a while certainly made me appreciate how much I use it!! I am thrilled to have it back in even better shape than before it broke down (that little extra memory they put it gives it a lot more "omph!")
Yes, the ship has wi-fi, so I hope to post updates during the trip, and we leave in TWO weeks... stay tuned for more info later today. :)
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