
Truth in Advertising

Okay, let’s just start right off by saying "Truth in Advertising" is an oxymoron, like saying that’s an accurate estimate, a genuine imitation, or a routine emergency. But do you ever get fed up with some of the advertisements you see on tv? My current pet peeve is drug commercials.

Yes, we have the “Just say no!” campaign, warning kids against drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Then we have commercial after commercial for legal prescription and over-the-counter remedies to cure everything from acne, being overweight, restless legs, headaches, upset stomachs, and of course, that little blue pill and it’s clones to spice up a male’s night life.

What a mixed message! We are a nation of drug addicts, looking for a pill for every ill. I’m not saying there aren’t legitimate reasons to take medications. If there is pill that will cure a real problem, like taking antibiotics for infections, insulin for diabetics, heart medication, meds for chronic pain… sure, that’s the thing to do, take your medicine!

But I wonder if we don’t take it a little too far, catering to pharmaceutical companies desire to make big profits. Do we really need to take a pill for every problem, no matter how minor? And how many new conditions have you heard about only because the drug companies are advertising a new medication for it?

For instance, my current favorite is “Restless Legs Syndrome.” As it turns out, I actually have this problem. It never occurred to me to seek treatment for it. In fact, for many years I just thought it was something everyone dealt with. I was amazed to find out that wasn’t the case.

Now there are advertisements for 2 or 3 different medications to treat it. So you have problems with your legs aching, feeling like you just have to move them, and strange sensations like tingling or creepy crawlies, and the answer is to take a pill. Now, if the medication had absolutely NO side effects, that would be one thing.

But how many medications have you heard of that have NO side effects, ever?

In the ads for RLS meds, they describe all the bad stuff associated with this problem, tell you all the wonderful things this medicine will do for you, and then… then they start rattling off some of the possible side effects.

And there are some doozies! The most common side effects are nausea, headache, and tiredness. Bad enough, but this medicine may also cause you to fall asleep without any warning, even "while doing normal daily activities such as driving." Or you may feel dizzy, sweaty or nauseated upon standing up. If all that isn’t sufficient, it can cause hallucinations - seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, or tasting something that does not actually exist. Interesting!

Then there’s my all time favorite they mention in some commercials: “If you feel increased gambling or sexual urges, tell your doctor.” It turns out there have been reported problems with gambling, compulsive eating, and increased sex drive when taking this type of drugs.

Are you kidding? A pill with a side effect of turning you into a gambler!??? I can see it now, I take this medicine to relieve Restless Legs Syndrome, and end up spending all my time and money a few miles down the road at the lottery stores!

Seriously, medications and I don’t get along. If there is some side effect listed to occur 1% of the time, well guess who will have it? Yes indeed, if there’s some way out there reaction to a medication, I’m sure to experience it.

So thanks, but no thanks. It might work for others, but I believe I’ll pass on medications for Restless Legs Syndrome, no matter how great the advertisments say they are.

Cause the truth is, sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.


Oh, how true. I hate taking drugs, too, and am trying to eliminate some of them. I have heard great success stories putting a bar of soap under your sheet for restless legs. Somehow, it works on many to calm the legs down. I like the simple helps.


I think the only way you could say that about restless legs syndrome is if you actually had the condition. It's main issue is that people who have it canNOT sleep. After awhile, you'd be okay with a medication for it if you didn't sleep for days at a time. Check out for more information.


Actually, I positively *do* have the condition & said so. I also have chronic pain & fibromyalgia, so I know what it is to have problems sleeping. I did not say these meds weren't for ANY one; I said they weren't for ME. The side effects aren't worth it to me. If you can take a med, it helps with minimum side effects, than yeah, go for it!


It's always that fine balancing act for each person & in general... to help the people who actually NEED it (with as little side-effects as possible), but not to sell snake oil to the mass public. It could lead into a whole other discussion re: mental illnesses & cures, but I won't go there right now... it's not my blog :)


I totally agree that we have become a nation of pill takers. I really believe that the main cause are the direct-to-consumer ads of the drug companies. If the drug companies were not allowed to advertise to the consumer, I believe prices would come down. You cannot pick up a magazine or watch TV without pharmceutical ads. This kind of advertising is very expensive and guess who pays for it?