Ever hear of an AFO? No, not a UFO, an AFO. It stands for Ankle-Foot Orthosis, and it’s a brace/splint for the lower leg.
Ellie just got some cool new ones to help her walk. Like many kids with Cerebral Palsy, she has trouble with a scissoring motion when trying to walk. These nifty “gadgets” are supposed to help correct that problem.
Here she is trying them out: In the next picture, you can get a closer look at them from the back. And here's an even closer look at the back side. How spiffy! They have ballerinas on them! And since we're on the subject of Ellie, I also got an oh-so-cool little video last night of Ellie saying her name! That "L" sound is hard when you have trouble with fine motor control, so we're excited she's learned to say her name!
And there you have it, the latest updates on the cutest 2-year-old in the world!
Okay, so I'm a bit eccentric, and a bit of a hermit. Here's where I report family happenings, an occasional glimpse of my life as on online entrepreneur, maybe an even more occasional glimpse into living with chronic pain.. and anything else that happens to pop into my fevered brain that doesn't have a place on my zillion other blogs.
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