
The Railway Made of Gold

Slowly, ever so slowly, I’m making my way through the pictures from the Alaska trip. It takes a long time to sort through them and resize them for slideshows. Then it takes even more time to look through some of the literature I brought back so I can give an accurate description of the pictures. Unfortunately, I don’t have total recall -- I’m lucky to have even partial recall some days! But that means I have to check on some things to make sure I’ve remembered correctly what they are.

Click on the picture to open the slideshow.

These pictures are from Skagway, and our second shore excursion. We took a train trip to the top of White Pass on a narrow gauge railway. To read more about the interesting history involving the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush and this railroad, check out the entry at Rural Ramblings.

I took a lot of pictures. The good news is the ones on the way up to White Pass turned out pretty well. The bad news is the ones I took from White Pass back to Skagway somehow got messed up, and every file reads “Error”. That’s the first time I’ve had that happen in all the years I’ve been using digital cameras. It’s good that I’d already taken some pictures of the same scenery, so I didn’t lose everything, but on the other hand, I knew more what I wanted to “capture” on the way back down, so had a lot more pictures, and I’m sure some better pictures.

Oh well! If I’d known, I wouldn’t have stayed out on that little platform freezing my fingers and other parts of my anatomy. I’d have sat in the much warmer coach car and just watched the sights go by.

At any rate, the train trip was great. The scenery was beyond awesome, and there was the added thrill of looking waaaayyyy down those steep gorges while standing on a little bitty platform with just one rail between you and a very long tumble to oblivion!

It’s another trip I’d do again in a heartbeat.