Between snail mail yesterday and in my email this morning, I have about a dozen birthday greetings, all from businesses. Places like adidis via email, and Peebles via snail mail. How very nice of all of these companies to remember my birthday!!! And in the spirit of generosity, they’re being oh-so-nice to me by offering me a chance to spend money on their products. Of course, most are offering me a discount to do that, so I guess it’s a real birthday gift!!! Wow!!!
Feel the love….
Now in all fairness, my good friend RR made a special trip up here Monday to deliver a sack full of brightly colored packages for my birthday. Jonathan gave me a DVD of a movie I've been wanting, and Jess also remembered my birthday. So there are real people who have sent or given me birthday greetings also.
But it just strikes me as kind of funny how many COMPANIES are remembering my birthday. Good ploy - Happy Birthday! Here's a discount, spend some money at our store!
Like I said... feel the love....
Just for the record, as we walked out the door this morning, I said, "Richard, don't forget it's your mom's birthday!" I worked all day, so didn't get much of a chance to send you greetings, but I thought of you! So much so that I even sent R a mid-day "Remember mom's birthday!" reminder! :-)
Well, he *did* send me an e-card! I posted this pretty early in the day, and we know Richard isn't an early morning person! ;-)
Thanks for the birthday greetings!
I remembered just fine, S-A's! (That's my new fave -- since what the "A" stands for is up to the mind of the listener, I'm not responsible).
Hope it was a good one, filled with plenty of manufacturer's coupons... I mean, joy & love! :D
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