Our cultured marble countertop with sink was delivered this week. I still haven’t got to see it because it needs moved before the box is opened. It’s got a swirl pattern, and no two are quite the same, and some have much more color in them than others, so I’d really love to see what ours look like!
Jess also picked up our new toilet. I peeked in the box and can see the color, which is exactly what I wanted. Gray may not sound pretty, but this is a pale gray. If there were such a thing, I’d call it a pastel gray. It should look nice in the bathroom.
At the time I purchased the toilet, the saleslady was surprised they had one in stock. She thought they might have ordered it to show people what the gray looks like – that it’s prettier than it sounds. When Jess went to pickup the toilet, he discovered a guy he knows from church works there. This guy told Jess “The Rest of the Story.”
It seems that someone else special ordered that toilet. The day before Jonathan and I went to the store, it was delivered. She decided she didn’t want it after all. So there was the exact thing I wanted waiting for us when we showed up the very next day. Cool.
The vanity and valet cabinets should be delivered to the store April 14th, then we’ll have to go pick them up. I won’t be back home until the 15th, and I suspect will be more than a trifle tired, so Jonathan and I are planning to start work on the bathroom the following week.
Which brings us to The REALLY Good!
Less than a week until I fly to Canada! Whoo whoo!!! I need to get a lot done between now and then, but if all else falls, I’ll just throw some stuff in the suitcase and head out. As long as I remember my passport, camera and laptop, I’d probably survive, ha!
Plus I need to remember the cute little outfits I just bought on eBay for some photography sessions with Ellie. One is a Winnie the Pooh outfit. It’s pretty neat, but the one that really knocks your socks off is the Little Red Riding Hood Outfit.

Ellie is going to look sooooo cute in it!
I’ve got an added bonus with this visit, as we’re going to The Movement Centre for Ellie’s therapy before I have to catch my plane that afternoon. Even better, I’ll be there while they do a special video of Ellie doing various activities. They need it to send to the surgeon at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. He’ll check it out, and if he thinks Ellie is a candidate for surgery to help her Cerebral Palsy, then they’ll take Ellie to see him.
As for The BAD:
Tree pollen + lots of rain + fibromyalgia + sick and/or dead animals = I’ve had better weeks.
We have lots of trees that produce lots of pollen this time of year. My sinus’s don’t appreciate it and ache. Then there’s the rain. It’s been raining off and on all week. My fibro doesn’t appreciate that and my whole body aches. (Think feeling like you’ve got the flu every time it rains.)
It doesn’t help I’ve had to be out in the rain a good bit. Besides regular chores, I’ve had to nurse sick animals. They didn’t make it, so Jonathan and I had to compost them, which is a LOT of work. Now I have to go out and milk the goat mom every so often – just enough to take the pressure off while her udder gradually dries up.
And lastly, The Ugly.
We got the picture we had taken for the church directory in the mail. It looks just like us. ‘Nuff said.
As you can see, it’s been a real mixed bag around here lately, but I’m hoping for better days!
Scare the rats away! ;)
I know what you mean about pictures! Sure torture! What a darling Little Red Riding Hood outfit! Ellie will LOVE it! Try to take care of yourself. You have alot of externals trying to pull you down.
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