
Taking a break!

It’s been a busy, busy week. Remodeling is high-energy time-consuming stuff, especially when things don’t go according to plan due to problems. And when do you ever do a project without any problems?

Today after we finished painting, Jonathan and I were trying to scrape linoleum backing off the floor. One section was resistant to parting from the wood it’s clung to for so long. After working a while, then checking out the rest of the flooring, I told Jonathan we’d cease and desist until Jess got home and gave us a second opinion.

I felt like the particle board needed torn out and replaced. There are two sections, and the one in the back that borders the bottom of the tub and where the commode sits was black with mildew. NASTY. There were also a couple of breaks in the board, and a broken piece around the heating vent.

When Jess got a look at it, he concurred. Tomorrow we rip out the flooring and put new stuff down. We had hoped to get by with just putting finish board on top but no such luck.

This is the guy’s job. I feel sorry for Jess though, because he’s feeling bad. I’m afraid it sounds a lot like how I felt last week. I was thinking I probably ate something in one of the airports or some such on the way home from Canada. Maybe it was some kind of bug. I hope the two aren’t related, because it took me a week to get better.

Jess is taking off work tomorrow, and we’re hoping to get the bathroom, well, probably not totally finished, but at least to where we can use it again.


I hope you didn't bring home the crud that was & has been floating around here... they should have a way to zap THAT stuff @ the airport!