Time seems to zip by, and all of a sudden it's been a week since I posted anything. So here's what's been going on around here...
Aftermath from my fall - Much better there, with cuts almost totally healed up (except for a couple of the deeper ones). My finger still hurts, but not as constantly.
Blog &”School” Updates - With so much going on the past week, I knew I wouldn’t get as much done as I wanted. However, I’m still keeping up with posts to “Health Food Made Easy,” and I am in the process of revamping the “Rural Ramblings” blog. It’s a year old now, and time to graduate to a different software, theme and URL.
Also, within the next couple of weeks I plan to start on a 90-Day Challenge, a structured program for building and monetizing websites/blogs. While I'll still be learning new things, it will move me more into the “doing” and putting stuff into place for income.
Cutting Away – At the beginning of the week I gave our livestock guardian dog her annual haircut. It took over two hours. Bending over clipping away is a killer on the back. Good thing one of the next projects was…
Doctor, Doctor! – Doctor #1) Jonathan got sick and had to go to the doctor. This time I was the chauffeur, since when he gets a cold/sinus infection and it moves into his inner ear, he starts getting dizzy. The doc put him on a high-powered (and very expensive) antibiotic, and told him to stay home from work this week.
Doctor #2) I had an appointment with my wonderful doctor at the Fibro Clinic. I wish she were closer! I hate going, but I do like her. She didn’t chastise me for not doing a lot of the stuff I was supposed to do, gave me some results from some lab tests, and they took 9 or 10 vials of blood for more lab tests since it had been 9 months since I’d been there. I had an IV treatment and “energy” shot.
Herxed Again – The first time I went to the clinic and had an IV treatment I had what’s called a Herxheimer’s response. It’s an immune system reaction to the toxins that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off. This makes the original symptoms worse, or creates new ones.
It’s also referred to as a healing crisis, a detox reaction, or die-off syndrome. It’s a case of things getting worse before they hopefully get better. Anyway, I had it again this time. I guess it’s been so long, I’m pretty much starting over. I was pretty wiped out with the flu-like symptoms for a couple of days after the treatment.
Las Vegas - Richard and Chrystie are back from their trip to Las Vegas. They took lots of pictures, and it looks and sounds like they had a really good time. You can take a gander at the pictures here.
Weather - We’ve actually had a couple of rain storms the last couple of days. Not enough to make up for the long lack of water, but better than none!
And there you have it, another week’s worth of happenings!!
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