
Dental Dilemmas

Jess had to go to the dentist this past Thursday. He lost a piece of filling out of a lower tooth and needed it repaired. Dilemma #1, it was one of the teeth his lower partial anchors to.

The dentist decided the tooth needed a crown to make it sturdier, so it was a much more extensive fix than Jess anticipated. After a lot of numbing and drilling, the dentist put a temporary crown on the tooth, but Dilemma #2, he informed Jess he needed to keep his lower partial and Jess doesn’t get it back until Tuesday.

In the meantime, he’s left to gum his food as best he can. It’s hard to chew when all your bottom molars are missing.

He doesn’t have an appointment to get the permanent crown for the tooth until after we get back from West Virginia. Dilemma #3, the opening for the appointment was October 30th, on a Thursday. We won’t have a lot of excess time on our trip!

Jess has the biggest share of dilemmas with the dentist, but I’m not left out of the dental dilemma drama. I had to reschedule my last appointment twice already. It's presently supposed to be December 10th, which is now just a couple of days after Jess has his knee surgery. Will he still be in the hospital? Or will that be the day I need to take him home? Or maybe he will already be home and needing my help those first few days especially? I’m thinking I probably should reschedule this appointment. The dentist’s receptionist is not going to believe I’m doing it yet again.

Oh, and Jonathan wasn’t left out of the dental dilemmas either. He had planned to get all his cavities repaired after the first of the year, when work hours will slow down and appointments easier to schedule, but it seems there are cavities in both teeth on either side of the one that just got a root canal. When he goes back for the permanent crown, the dentist said he needs to fix those cavities first, because it will be hard to get to them after the crown is in place. So he’ll have to get a couple fixed now, then wait for the rest.

Sure seems to be a lot of dental dilemma drama around here lately.


Boy, when it rains it pours! Going to the dentist is bad enough without dilemmas!


Ain't that the tooth!


It's the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth... going to the dentist is jaw clenching experience.