
Rainy Days And Sleepless Nights

Yesterday we had a little rain. Today we had more. Yesterday the rain didn’t bother me. Last night was a different story with little sleep, and today was pretty much a total write-off.

Oh, I guess it wasn’t a total washout. I finished up a few bits of work here and there, and spent an hour for the second evening in a row on with a bunch of other people learning more about the “Green Button” project. The initial version was released to the membership, and now they’re working out the glitches. I will confess I haven’t done much with the new software yet, knowing it would have bugs – new software always does -- and being swamped with other stuff to do. But it's been illuminating to follow along and see what's being done, and hear what's in the works for the future.

Though not into the Green Button software yet, I have been using the first module that was put out a few weeks ago, called Article Marketing Automation. It is totally sweet. If the rest of this project lives up to this module, this will be quite a deal. And speaking of deals! Members get grandfathered into the new system at the old membership price. When it’s ready for the public, new members will be paying twice as much (or more!).

At any rate, I’m still plugging away getting stuff going, though days like today put me more behind.

Jess had software problems of his own today, and couldn’t get AGTEK to do what it was supposed to. Guess he’ll have to be calling tech support tomorrow to see if they can tell him what the problem is.

Well, the rain is gone, so maybe I can get some sleep tonight. Guess I'll go clean the kitchen, put some oatmeal in the slow cooker, then give it a try.


I hope sleep came easy for you last night.


Thanks Linda, I certainly got more sleep than I did the night before!