Ours was pretty quiet, but had a couple of “first time in a long time” happenings.
First off, for the first time in a long time Toby and I went for a walk in the woods. I guess it's been something like 3 weeks or so since we last went. I put pictures up on Rural Ramblings from our little trek.

Before he could get in the tub, we had to put a couple of hand bars up. We bought two Safe-er-Grip Bathtub & Shower Handles to help him navigate safely. Those things are pretty neat. They've got a big suction cup on each end with release latches to tighten or release the suction. They're super easy to put up, and it's convenient to be able to move them around when needed. And once those rascals are up, wow! It feels like we'd tear a piece of the tub surround out before they'd let loose.
We also put a sturdy folding chair in the tub for Jess to sit on. He managed fine, though he was pretty well tuckered out by the time he finished. He's still a bit on the puny side. It's going to take a while before he builds back up his stamina after such major surgery, reaction to anesthesia, and blood loss.
Also today, Richard called and we had a nice long chat. And for the first time I got to hear Ellie say, "I love you Sussern Mama!" Well, you can imagine that bought a tear (or two or three...) to my eyes!
We also got a call from Deb today and got the latest on happenings with the other grandkids and what they were doing this Christmas Day.
It's been a nice day, even if we didn't do much celebrating.
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