Getting ready to move to rehab soon! They have free wi-fi in the rooms at the hospital, but I don't know if I'll have internet access in the Rehab facility so this maybe the last post for a while.
Jess will be in Room 209. We got lucky and didn't have to wait 2 or 3 days for a private room. The nurse here says the rooms there are much smaller however, so I've already taken a lot of stuff to the car. But wouldn't you know, I'll probably have to get some of the stuff back since I moved all my clothes, thinking I would have to go home tonight instead of staying with Jesse. And I'll probably have to move the car.
We've been getting mixed messages about this place, so I'm a little apprehensive as to the care, but everyone agrees it is better than going to a nursing home, or directly home and just going 2 or 3 times a week to rehab. We were told yesterday they do 3-hours of rehab a day in this facility, as opposed to maybe 45 minutes in a nursing home.
The Internal Medicine Doc was in this morning, and Jess's hematocrit is up to almost normal levels again, after having 4 units of blood, so that's a really good thing!
His ortho surgeon was also in, and says everything is looking good and he thinks Jess will do real well.
Jess also ate a fair amount of his breakfast this morning, which is the first time he's eaten much food at all.
He's getting better!
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