
Let Me Off This Roller Coaster!

It's been a roller coaster of a week.

Last Saturday I went to a party. Then came the pain payback.

Wednesday I went to a funeral home to stand in line for two hours for visitation. Then came the pain payback.

Yesterday was crazy with thunderstorms, hail, and wind - never mind the tornadoes dancing around us. (At one point they said the sheriff spotted a tornado on Lincoln Road - which isn't very far from us, like about 2 miles at the closest point.)

Today's the payback. But it may not be all the activity and stress from yesterday causing the pain. It could be a coming weather change. It could be a combination of things.

To complicate matters even more, different things affect the different causes of pain. Physical activity, especially when doing a lot of back and forth motion like sweeping, really aggravates the nerve pain. Weather changes affect the fibromyalgia. Some things affect both.

There are just so many different things that can cause pain - the weather changing, stress, not enough sleep, not eating well, doing too much physical activity - that sometimes it's difficult to tell what's caused the pain problem.

I'm ready for some nice quiet time, a nothing-much-happening kind of week. And while I'm at it, I'll wish for fewer pain payback days!


I hope you have that kind of week very soon, Tish. Though with all your dependent critters, I don't know if it is possible. I do hope your body has a respite, though, from all the paybacks that weather and day-to-day living bring on.