- The usual morning chores of feeding and letting critters out, plus emptying and refilling all the water buckets.
- Got Monday's humor mailing out, plus set up the framework for the rest of the week's mailings.
- Got a new post up on the farm blog.
- Did some research trying to see if I could find any information to shed some light on why Dad's Printer Mailbox isn't working.
- FINALLY finished revamping all the posts and pages on the health food blog and ready to move forward with NEW stuff now.
- Spent some time in the basement AGAIN because Jonathan called from work to tell me there was a tornado spotted in our immediate area.
- Did evening chores by myself in-between rain storms.
- Talked to the Canadian Crew via Skype. Ellie still isn't quite sure what to make of a talking picture of Southern Mama on her dad's computer. :-)
- Got supper fixed.
- Watched "Dancing With The Stars"!
- Had a training session/teleseminar - not our usual day, but making up for last week's. It was canceled because our Thursday night was noonish on their Good Friday. Also not as long, being only about 90 minutes instead of the usual 2 - 2 1/2 hours.
- Cleaned the kitchen.
- Plus all kinds of other piddling stuff that needs done every day!
And now here I am, and I'm sure I missed some stuff, and that's just bare bones of what I did anyway. Briefly stated, long in doing!
For instance, take the humor mailings. That means I did one totally from scratch this morning, and got 4 more set up, which takes looking at about 3 different sites and doing Google searches to check the daily holidays, checking wikipedia and a couple other sites for history and birthdays, checking The Farmer's Almanac and the Naval Observatory site for sunrises, sunsets, and day lengths -- and that's just the top part.
Jokes and trivia come from several different sources - you wouldn't believe how difficult it is to find any NEW jokes! Then choosing a picture and whatever the source, it almost always needs a size adjustment for emailing. It all takes time.
Then there's revamping the health food blog that has taken me 3 weeks. Yes, THREE WEEKS! I went back through all the posts and, well, never mind. If you're not "into" this stuff, you wouldn't understand what I was talking about with SEO optimization, affiliate marketing, keywords, and on and on. Suffice it to say it was labor intensive, gave my brain a work-out, and obviously took a lot of time. But the site already had decent traffic, and I haven't even started working on that yet, so I have high hopes for this particular site!
Oh, and I also totally upgraded the "guts" of the site - all the background stuff a person doesn't see but makes the site work well. Like upgrading my version of Wordpress, and installing a professional theme that works more like software with all the options and stuff you can do with it. Add a new header, new theme colors, new widgets.... you get the idea. LOTS of stuff and LOTS of time. Which is why it took 3 weeks!
Anyway, like I said, I've been on the move, physically or mentally, all day. And now I've finished yet another blog post, and after I check some stats, I may even get to bed before midnight.
A woman's work is never done.
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