
I Need A Wife

I'm sure you've heard the joke -

When our second child was on the way, my wife and I attended a pre-birth class aimed at couples who had already had at least one child.

The instructor raised the issue of breaking the news to the older child. It went like this:

"Some parents," she said, "tell the older child, 'We love you so much we decided to bring another child into this family.' But think about that. Ladies, what if your husband came home one day and said, 'Honey, I love you so much I decided to bring home another wife.'"

One of the women spoke up immediately. "Does she cook???"

Of course, you know no woman really wants another wife in the house. It's just the idea of having someone to do all the stuff most wives do... cleaning house, cooking meals, doing the laundry... that's the big three. If I had a "wife" to do that, wow, that'd be cool.

Someone else to make sure the house doesn't constantly look like a tornado went through, someone else to figure out what to cook and get it done, someone else to deal with throwing clothes in the washing machine, pulling the wet ones up out of there and chunking them in the dryer, folding or ironing clothes, someone to...

Yeah, I need a wife.