They finally got the cruise control installed, so yesterday evening we picked up the car. And here it is, our new-to-us 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt... ta da!
As you can see, it's a silver colored 4-door sedan.
Gee, it's silver from the other side too. . .
And even the back is the same color. What do you know, we have a mono-colored car!
It's a tad different inside though, with a couple different shades of gray. There is also more room in the interior of this car than there was in our old Focus. And here's the back seat.
There you have it! Jess drove it to Tullahoma last night and likes it fine. Which is good, because we're likely have this car for a long time to come. Hopefully anyway! We'd just as soon it lasted a long time, be without problems, and be all-around easy to own and maintain.
I can dream, can't I?
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