
I LOVE To Get Goodies In The Mail!

Saturday there was an unexpected surprise in our mailbox.

It came in one of those big padded envelopes. Inside, there was some rather ingenious packaging.

Considering how brutally the USPS has treated some previous packages from the Canadian contingent, it was probably a wise precaution.

At any rate, this time the contents arrived in pristine condition.

What fun! You can't beat a surprise package with pictures! (Well, maybe a surprise package with a check for a whole lot of money would trump the pictures. . . )

At any rate, this Grandma loves pictures! (And so does Grandpa! And Uncle Geek!)


Oh, I'm glad they arrived in good shape! Now, do you notice a resemblance to anyone in particular?! SEVERAL people have commented on how much Ellie looks like YOU in the bigger close-up picture!! Maybe you'll have to do a side-by-side if you have a pic of you around that age? :-) Ellie's a lucky girl!


I'll have to go looking for pictures and see if I have any of me at 4. At least I was cute THEN, ha, ha!


She's so cute. Seems so long ago that my daughter was 4...and it was only 2 years ago. lol!

Time flies, doesn't it?



Time does indeed fly... way too fast!

Of course, I'm just a *tad biased* and think Ellie is pretty cute, too.