So, we're back home from our trip to Canada, which means we're once again far, far away from Richard, Chrystie and Ellie. We try to make the best of it, and thank goodness for email and Skype, but it's still a bummer everyone in the family is scattered all over the place!
We didn't make it home until late last night. I didn't get to sleep until the wee hours of the morning. I was too tired and too wired.
Here I thought I'd use today to catch back up on email, snail mail, housework, buying groceries and all those needed chores, and be able to jump back into work tomorrow.
What a dreamer I am.
Although we did go to the grocery store, I've only partially caught up on both email and snail mail, and only got a couple loads of laundry done. We won't even talk about cleaning house.
It's raining, I'm dragging, and I've still got a lot of catching up to do.
I mean, it's so bad, I haven't even downloaded all the pictures I took while we were in Canada onto my desktop computer! Now that's REALLY bad for me! Hopefully I'll get that done soon so I can share more about our trip. We had a great time visiting, and of course, it's always fun to see how Ellie has grown and the new things she's doing! (Naturally, she's featured in a lot of the pictures.)
So tomorrow I'll try again. Maybe I'll be closer to catching up? (sigh . . .)
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