Well, it’s obviously been a long time since I updated this blog.
We had a good visit in West Virginia, and obviously got home okay. Since then we’ve made another little trip, this time to Georgia for my appointment at the Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Clinic last Wednesday. A couple of people have asked me how it went, so here’s what happened. . .
This appointment was for an hour with the doctor, as we needed to go over all the lab reports and get more going by the way of treatment. And believe it or not, we actually took more than an hour. She must not have had someone booked for the next half hour time slot, so she kept talking, then asked if I had any questions.
What’s more, it’s obvious the doctor actually spends some time prior to your appointment going over your lab reports and treatment plan. She had made a spreadsheet with my lab results from the first time I was there almost two years ago, and a month after that, and then my most recent labwork.
A few things stayed the same over the entire time span, but for the most part the readings were better after the first month of treatment, and then this last time, my most recent labwork was worse. Some of it WAY worse. Oops.
For instance, my thyroid hormone levels got really fouled up again. That doesn’t surprise me, because for some obscure reason, my regular doctor suddenly decided to decrease the dosage on one of my thyroid meds. It’s going to be jacked back up again now. Sigh. . .
The lab results having to do with my immune system showed that it, shall we say, is somewhat compromised. Not unusual with fibromyalgia patients. At present, I also have a chronic sinus infection. All this resulted in a lecture as to how I needed to treat any infections aggressively and not wait around hoping it would go away. The doc even had a little drawing somewhat like a flow chart showing all the different problems caused because the immune system isn’t up to par, and infections may die down but remain latent, then flare back up again, and bottom line, I’m on an antibiotic.
AND a probiotic, and energy type supplements, and vitamin D (low levels there!), and a couple of meds for a systemic candida infection.
After talking about lab results and what I needed to do treatment wise for the next month, she also discussed treatment we'll be doing on down the road to take care of another problem I have with my blood, and possibilities of some other problems I might have (like testing for Lyme Disease).
At least this time there was only one needlestick (hooray!), as the nurse put in the butterfly for the IV, and the lab tech got her needed 12 vials of blood before they started the IV meds.
Once I got the IV meds and a shot, I was ready to go home again. Thankfully, Jess was driving, because I'm pretty well done in after one of these visits.
I just hope all this helps. I need more energy. LOTS MORE ENERGY!!!!
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