Jess thinks he's probably about 11 years old in this picture, and wearing his older brother, Thelbert's army hat.

Now, how about this school picture? What a grin he's got!

Now, does this look like a shy dude in this picture? I think he's sure playing it cool here.

Here's a picture of his entire family from 1948.

Jess loves his grandchildren, and here he is with Debra and Dave's kids: Lee, Ryan and Emily.. .

By the time this picture was taken, Kelley was added to the group.
It was some time later, in 2005, and there came another grandchild!
Here we are with Ellie, way back when they still lived in Texas: I have to admit, it's one of my favorite pictures.
And here's the proud grandpa with all the Sanford clan at Lee's graduation:
And then at Emily's. . . I'd put one from Ryan's graduation in here, but I don't have any!
Of course, when you get to the grandpa stage, you're also likely to have some wear and tear on the body, and Jess had to have both knees replaced. Here he is last December doing some physical therapy.
This picture was taken back in July of this year, when we went to Canada to visit Richard, Chrystie and Ellie.
And then here's Jess with The Phantom Son during one of his visit's.
And last, a picture of recent vintage, of our intrepid explorer, checking out the new culverts the creek by our property is running through. Of course, this is just a smattering of pictures, but you know I can't put a picture for every year on here or I'd use up all my bandwidth or something! It'd take a year to download, ha, ha!
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