I was just browsing through Facebook, and it never ceases to amaze me how many comments over the weekends are sports oriented.
What would people do without sports?
I’m not talking about actually playing sports themselves and getting exercise. Of course it’s good to get exercise. And it’s better yet if you can have fun while doing it.
No, I’m talking about sports as entertainment.
I guess mankind (& womenkind) have a long history of watching other people compete at some sort of athletic event. Way before the Greeks came up with the Olympics, I suppose cavemen were watching footraces or dino wrestling or something.
It seems to be included in many people’s make-up to enjoy watching sports. Maybe there’s some kind of “sports” gene that makes people susceptible to the thrill of watching physical competitions.
So I have to wonder, what would happen if people couldn’t sit around watching their favorite sports? What if there were no sports channel, or ESPN, or whatever? (Maybe even no tv, period!)
Well, what would people do for entertainment then?
I would surely die.
Sports fanatics would have to go in person to something or other, I guess .... darts games, even, or quoits or bocce. Especially for many men, the need for competition would make them enjoy watching others (or joining in on) card flipping or watermelon seed spitting. LOL I've seen some of my male acquaintances, who shall remain nameless here, even compete in how many leaves they can capture and move in one sweep of a rake!
Women enjoy competition, too, of course, though often in different arenas (best pcikles at the fair? most money saveds via coupons at the grocery store? flattest stomach? brightest children?)
Gotta laugh.
Without TV I'd get more reading done, more housework finished, more quilts made, more visits to friends. Sounds like a good idea!
It seems we need to compete, ha!
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