I'm thankful that:
> Jess has pretty much recovered from having both knees replaced. Though the surgery was actually done in December of 2008, he spent the first month of so of 2009 doing lots and lots of therapy.
> Jonathan started work at Domino’s in March 2009, and it's turned out to be a pretty decent job. He knows what days he'll be working from week to week, and approximately what hours. He is working full time, and is at a good store where he usually gets pretty good tips for deliveries.
> My office is rearranged and fixed up with new shelves, and it’s a much better working space.
> That Jess wasn’t hurt when our car was totaled, and we have another decent car to drive now.
> The mess was finally straightened out with my credit card, and I didn’t have to pay any of the fake charges those jerks put on it.
> In October I got a new laptop. It is soooooo nice, and such a joy to use! It's very nice to be able to change locations (the office chair gets to me after a while) and still be able to get some serious computing done.
> I finally got my first commission check. Nothing huge, but a start.
> For all the trips and visits that occurred in 2009:
- Richard, Chrystie & Ellie got to visit in February.
- Randy visited in March.
- Jess went to Florida for some of Ryan's graduation festivities.
- We made a trip to WV back in June, and took Dad over to Cambridge, Ohio, and spent some time at Salt Fork Lodge and park.
- Jess and I went to Canada in July to visit Richard, Chrystie & Ellie.
- We took a week’s vacation at the beach in September! First time in years we've went off on a "vacation vacation". Nice!
- Went to Florida for Thanksgiving and got to visit with Randy and Sanfords and Dave's family. Always fun!
I'm thankful for all the stuff I learned in 2009, and looking forward to learning even more in 2010.
I'm thankful for getting to the Fibromyalgia Clinic, and for other medical help I've got, and hope to see some big improvements in my health during 2010.
We're just mighty blessed around here. We've got a nice little hobby farm, a roof over our head and money to pay the bills, and great family. I'm thankful for email and blogs and Skype to keep in contact with family and friends. I'm pleased for all the good things that have happened to/for all our family in 2009.
I'm thankful for all the things that happened in 2009, and know there's going to be lots to be thankful for happening in 2010!
To paraphrase a little, "Rejoice, and again I say, rejoice!"
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