The past year, 2009, has been a year of learning. It has been the beginning of healing. . . I say the beginning, because I have a long way to go yet, but for the first time I actually feel like I have the tools I need and am getting somewhere.
Of course, this all goes back to learning. Learning about different healing modalities. Learning what works. . . and a whole lot of what doesn't.
Learning about working on the internet and writing for the internet. Learning about all kinds of different self-help available. Learning about self-limiting beliefs. Learning about all kinds of interesting things, at least to me.
Learning, learning, learning. And may I never stop learning! Anyone who stops learning is at best static, and at worst, going backwards. We're either in growth or decline. I want to be growing until the day I die.
But the next step is to TAKE ACTION. For me 2008 & 2009 have been intense learning years, and while I have a lot I still need to learn about a lot of things, it's time to combine that with taking action.
And it's time to think on what specific actions I want to work on this year, and what my specific goals should be. Spiritual, personal, health, business - all kinds of things to think about!
Hope you are ready for a new year, and here's hoping 2010 will be the best we've ever had!
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