Yesterday it rained off and on all day. A rainy day is a non-productive day for me. It’s just hard to keep pushing past the aches and pains to get anything done. Jonathan went out and helped me with the farm chores, and that was my big accomplishment for the day.
Today I’m hoping to do better. I’ve already got some bread rising in the breadmaker. I’m trying yet another new sourdough recipe called, “New England Pioneer Bread.” It has cornmeal and maple syrup in it, which supposedly the pioneers found locally.
I’ve found that I need to put much more liquid in the dough than the recipes in the cookbook, “Worldwide Sourdoughs from Your Bread Machine” calls for. Every one I’ve tried has needed a LOT more liquid. I know that sourdough cultures are supposed to vary in consistency, but considering every time you add to it, you’re supposed to add equal amounts flour and water, it amazes me that there is so much variation.
There is also “Birdie Bread” in the oven baking. I don’t suppose I ever make it the same twice. I start by throwing some eggs and cornmeal in the bowl, add some wheat flour, a little sourdough culture, olive oil, dried tomatoes, any leftover veggies I have, or fruits… just anything that’s available that might be healthy for a bird. Fortunately, I don’t have to make it very often, as I freeze most of it, just keeping about a week’s worth at a time thawed and in the fridge and ready to use.
The washing machine is busy, and the dishwasher has been emptied and starting to refill. As anyone who takes care of their home knows, there are always dishes and laundry to deal with. And trash cans to empty!
I’ve already done more today than I managed to do yesterday, so I guess I’m making progress.
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