About 4pm here, it started to snow. Not the Canadian up-to-your-eyeballs kind of snow, or Maine’s up-to-your-butt kind of snow, or even Iowa’s knee-deep kind of snow. No, we get you’re-lucky-if-it-cools-your-toes kind of snow. There were just a few flurries of flakes, sometimes hard enough to make it difficult to see, but mostly just a gentle swirl of snow falling lazily earthward. A little actually stuck to the ground, but later this evening it started to rain, so bye-bye snow.
Isn't that pitiful? This is what passes for a snowfall here!One thing I’ve discovered, snow or rain, they both cause pain. And pain slows me down, so I haven’t got near as much done today as I’d hoped to do. I always have big plans for the day. Unfortunately, the mountains of work I plan to do usually end up being mere molehills of accomplishment when the day is done.
Still, every night I go to bed with big plans of getting MORE done the next day. It gives me a goal, something to aim for. I guess it’s good to keep trying and hoping to do better.
So tomorrow, I’m going to get LOTS done!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! SNNNOOOOWWWWW!!!! Are you going to survive? Did you get to the store for milk & bread before the big one hit? ;)
On the other side, look at it this way: lots of molehills eventually add up to a mountain, right?
We managed to avoid the frenzy although there were SEVERE WINTER WEATHER watches scrolling across the tv screen all afternoon and evening. ;-) I'm sure people in Canada would laugh at our "severe winter weather."
That's what I'm hoping... my molehills eventually add up to *something*. :-P
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