That got me rather sidetracked, as I finished going through pictures from our time visiting Glacier Bay, Saxman Native Village, Ketchikan and Victoria. I discovered I hadn’t even discarded the obvious flawed pictures (blurred, bad lighting, etc.), so those got deleted as I picked through to find ones I wanted to re-size and put on-line.
By the time I finished that, I was tired of working on the computer, so I never did got around to finding pictures of myself, aside from a couple taken while I was in Alaska.
After doing morning chores outside and inside this morning, I needed to get some snail mail done, so once again I got sidetracked. FINALLY though, I got the letters out in the mail and sat down at my desktop computer to look for pictures.
Easier said than done.
For one thing, my hard drive was getting so full I decided I needed more room to store pictures. I have an external hard drive for back-up, but I like my pictures saved to at least TWO places, so if one fails, I don’t lose everything. When Richard was visiting back in November, he installed a new, second internal hard drive for me, and now that’s where I store one set of my pictures.
I said all that to explain one of the reasons it’s so difficult to find pictures. I moved most off the original hard drive (“C”) to the new hard drive (“F”), and I also have older ones backed up on the external hard drive (“G”). As usual I was short on time, and didn’t sort and organize the pictures as I should have. So it’s a hodgepodge of files that needs a good sorting… sometime.
For another thing, finding pictures of me is hard, well, because there aren’t that many. I’m usually the one BEHIND the camera, so I have lots and lots of pictures of Jess and family and friends and pets and farm animals, but me? Not so much.

I finally came up with 7 pictures for a photo page: 1 that Richard took, 1 that Sharron took, 1 that I set the timer and took myself, and 4 that a photographer took. I'm including a link to my page of pictures, just in case you want some photos capable of killing any vermin in your home. So here ya are... just picture this.
These are all really nice pictures. You did well to get everything straight. I can't figure out how to use the other side of my C drive let alone store pictures and be able to retrieve them.
Thank you for sharing pictures of yourself. I miss you.
MORE pictures are definitely needed. I'll be glad to help!! RR
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