Here she is with Grandma shortly after she was born. Richard and Chrystie were living in the Dallas area at that time.

Of course, I thought she was the cutest little baby ever! Doesn't every grandparent think that when they get a new grandchild???
Then before we knew it, we were down in Texas again, and Ellie was close to a year old! Wow! We all went for a family photo, and they took a few of Ellie by herself - I kind of like the punky hairdo she had at that time. Sort of the wind-blown look as it were.
Of course, when her actual first birthday rolled around a couple months later, there was an aura of sadness mixed in, as she had just been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Even when you have a pretty good idea the diagnosis is coming, it's still a shock to actually hear it made a reality.
Naturally that doesn't change the fact she's our little sweetheart. Ellie has to work harder to do things the 'average' kid does, and it makes us appreciate every bit of progress all the more! Like here on her 2nd birthday, and she's sitting up by herself:
Isn't she precious with that pretty dress and cute bows in her hair? (That's a rhetorical question - I know she's a doll, and if you don't agree, you must need your eyes examined, ha, ha!)
Today Ellie had a birthday brunch party with Mom and Dad and the Northern Grandparents (Arlene & Wayne), and tomorrow evening she gets to have a bigger birthday bash. I'm looking forward to getting up there in about 3 1/2 weeks and we'll party again. Whoo, whoo!
Since I don't have a 3rd year birthday picture yet, I'll close with a picture taken when Ellie was visiting here early November 2007.
Sitting on Grandpa's tractor is lots of fun!
Happy 3rd birthday Ellie!
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