Back in my younger years, I used to decorate cakes. It all started with a panda bear cake for Richard’s first birthday:

I reckon just about every year after that I made special cakes for Richard’s birthday, and then when Jonathan came along, his birthdays also. When I wasn’t baking and decorating cakes myself, I helped others just learning how to do it. A homemade cake tastes so much better than the store bought version! Then I branched out and made cakes for anniversaries, and cakes for weddings, including those of an aunt and a very special friend, Angie.
Recently that special friend, somewhere between an adopted daughter and younger sister, sent me a letter. We hadn’t touched base in some time, and she was telling me she went back to work almost full-time, and “Guess what I do!! I decorate cakes!”
Well, how about that!
Then along came Ellie's birthday, and guess who made her a special Elmo birthday cake?

Why, Richard did! How cool is that?
So though I no longer make fancy cakes, it looks like the torch has passed on, and two others have taken up decorating cakes.
You just never know what you do that might spark an interest in someone else!
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