
The Latest News

First, to report on Dad. I called this morning and he was getting ready to check out. The doctor had already been n and taken the drain out of his neck, and Lynn was there to drive him back to her place, where he'll spend the night. If he feels up to it tomorrow, then he can drive on back to Eureka.

As for me, I changed my gameplan for this week from starting the 90 Day Challenge to finishing up this mess with the wool. Why?

Well, it's like this. When we are shearing sheep, we're outside. No problem. But when I'm working on this wool inside to skirt it (pulling off the wool around the edges that has manure tags or other junk), the smell is BAD. All that poop, urine and dirty sheep smell permeates the room.

When I went in the living room to work on my laptop this morning I discovered my lungs have had enough. They don't like the air quality and burn, my head hurts, and on and on...

So I decided this job needs finished, and finished FAST. I want every bag of wool ready to mail ASAP.

To that end, Jess is taking a day off tomorrow to help me finish. I'm going to go thorugh all the wool first, then start filling orders. I've found it's a big hassle trying to go through what I've got done so far and find the right colors, and if I don't have them, go through bags I haven't done yet to try and find it.

This will be simpler in the long run, and I just want it done before my lungs burn out.

Dad's Surgery

Dad had his surgery today. They actually did it on time, and he got his right carotid artery cleaned out and back in his room, in ACU (Advanced Care Unit).

I talked to Lynn a couple of times and she said the doctor said things went well, and Dad was doing well.

Later in the afternoon, about 2pm our time, I called Dad to check on him. He was having trouble talking and said his throat was swollen, and he'd just told the nurse about it. I didn't talk long since it was obvious he was having difficulty.

In less than 20 minutes Lynn called to tell me the hospital had called her, and they took Dad back to surgery as he had a hematoma. I presume there was a leak in their repair work, so they took him back to fix it.

Last I heard was from Maria later in the evening. Dad has a drain in his neck, but will still go home tomorrow if things go okay from now on. He'll be staying a night with Lynn, just to double check he's doing fine before he goes home on his own, and far away from hospitals.

What a mess! NO surgery last week when he was supposed to have it, and TWO surgeries this week.

Hopefully, it will be smooth sailing from here on out.

Greetings! Here's another update from the Sunny South!

This morning I updated the farm blog “Rural Ramblings” and Ellie’s blog, “Helping Ellie Walk.” I already had a post scheduled for "Health Food Made Easy." Figured I might as well make a clean sweep of it and get this one done too. Seems like with everything I’m doing lately, I’m lucky to post here once a week.

A Funky Finger – It still hurts. The x-rays did not show any displaced bones, so the doctor says to just hang in there, it will eventually get better. I hope she’s right, because I positively do NOT need another point of pain, especially in my hands.

Business Online – Once I was sure my finger wasn’t going to be in a cast, I got to work on the 90-Day Challenge. The last couple of days I’ve been working on choosing domain names, setting up hosting accounts, and testing their blog uploading software and just generally getting a feel for what I’m going to have to do.

Yesterday I was afraid I was going to snatch myself bald-headed before it was done. I had a couple of technical glitches, and trying to get what user name and password goes with what is confusing. I use a spreadsheet to keep track of them, and even with that my mind boggles at remembering what to use where.

For just ONE website/blog/business, there is a user name and password for my account on Godaddy, then another set for the domain name, a set for my account on Hostgator, then another for that particular domain on the host, plus a set for every data base I set up on that website, then a set for getting into the uploader software online, another for the admin on the Wordpress account, and… well, you get the picture.

I’m sure I haven’t remembered all of them, but right there are SEVEN sets of user names and passwords. Multiply that by at least 12 domains for the 90-Day Challenge, plus user names and passwords for my other 4 blogs, the website tools I use, and on and on and on… and you end up with more than 15 spreadsheet pages trying to keep track of it all.

Car Crisis – I got a call from Jess Monday about 6pm. He was on his way home from work and the electrical system on the car went totally dead, and soon after so did the rest of the car. He managed to get pulled over to the side of the road. He’d already called a tow truck, which showed up shortly after I did.

To make a long story short, the alternator croaked (we almost did too when we got the bill for fixing it). It didn’t take them as long to repair it as they thought it would, and we were able to pick the car up Wednesday evening.

Dad’s Distress – My poor Dad! He went to the hospital early last Tuesday for his procedure, and the surgeon was called away to an emergency of some kind. He waited and waited all morning, and finally the surgeon sent word for him to go home and they rescheduled the surgery for next Tuesday. Hopefully, this time it will go off without a hitch.

I guess it’s just as well we didn’t try to go to West Virginia. We’d have been stranded on the side of the road, and then when we got there, the surgery postponed until the next week. THAT would have all created some been big-time stress!

Jonathan’s Framed – Well, he's gonna be. The frames on his eyeglasses broke last weekend, and he had to get creative to get them to hold together until he could get new ones. Fortunately, he was able to get into an eyedoctor right away, and is now waiting on his new glasses to come in.

I guess that pretty well catches up the happenings from around here. If not before, guess I’ll be back here next week with the updates!

More Updates...

At least I did get a couple of little things posted this week, but here are some further updates…

Aftermath from my fall – I really thought last week was the last time I’d write about that. I was wrong.

I called this morning to see about an appointment with my regular doctor, as my finger is still hurting and the knuckle is very tender to touch. I had a bad feeling about that. It’s been FIVE weeks since I hurt it. Even a pulled tendon ought to be feeling better.

The doctor agreed, and feels like I must have broken a bone. She sent me for x-rays, but I won’t know anything about the results until Monday or Tuesday.

I asked my doctor what she’d do if my finger really is broken. As long as no bones are displaced, we can just let it heal on its' own, and I’ll just know why it is continuing to hurt for so long.

If something is displaced, that’s another story and I have to go see an orthopedic doctor. I don’t want to think about the implications there. The idea of any surgery on my finger, or a splint on it, is BAD NEWS. It’d sure make it difficult to type!

I’m optimistic, however, and really don’t think anything is displaced. It was never swollen for one thing. I’m betting on a hairline fracture somewhere.

Blog &”School” Updates – I’ve been working full tilt trying to get a month’s backlog of posts for my “Health Food Made Easy” blog, so when I get started on my 90-Day Challenge I can concentrate more on it. I'm not there yet, but I’ll continue to write blog posts as much as I can during the first part when it’s slower, then hopefully when I’m really swamped later on, I’ll have enough blog posts I won’t have to worry about my main blog.

If all goes well, sometime next week I’ll start on the challenge. I want to have it done before we go to West Virginia in October. It’s only the first 90 days that count towards the contest, so after that if I slow down a little now and then, it just means I’m not building up my money-makers as quickly. So I need to finish before we go on our little vacation so I won’t matter if I goof off a few days.

Family Stuff – Dad is having a procedure done next Tuesday to unblock his carotid artery, which is 80% occluded. He said it’s done under a local, but they’ll keep in the hospital overnight just to double check he’s okay. We offered to go up if he'd like company, but he seems comfortable doing it mostly on his own, though Lynn will probably take him there and pick him up again the next day.

Weather: Back to no rain, temps in the 90’s, and even an air quality alert because of high ozone and lots of particulates in the air.

I guess that pretty well sums up the week!

Ellie tells us how old she is!

Not only her name and how old she is, but she can tell you WHEN her birthday is now too!


Happy Birthday Dad / Grandpa Lyne!!!

My Dad is 82 years young today!

Here's a picture taken last summer of Dad, Jess and Caleb at The Wilds in Ohio.

Jonathan sent him a picture to wish him Happy Birthday!

Everybody in the family is wishing him a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and wishes for many more!

Another weekly update!

Time seems to zip by, and all of a sudden it's been a week since I posted anything. So here's what's been going on around here...

Aftermath from my fall - Much better there, with cuts almost totally healed up (except for a couple of the deeper ones). My finger still hurts, but not as constantly.

Blog &”School” Updates - With so much going on the past week, I knew I wouldn’t get as much done as I wanted. However, I’m still keeping up with posts to “Health Food Made Easy,” and I am in the process of revamping the “Rural Ramblings” blog. It’s a year old now, and time to graduate to a different software, theme and URL.

Also, within the next couple of weeks I plan to start on a 90-Day Challenge, a structured program for building and monetizing websites/blogs. While I'll still be learning new things, it will move me more into the “doing” and putting stuff into place for income.

Cutting Away – At the beginning of the week I gave our livestock guardian dog her annual haircut. It took over two hours. Bending over clipping away is a killer on the back. Good thing one of the next projects was…

Doctor, Doctor!Doctor #1) Jonathan got sick and had to go to the doctor. This time I was the chauffeur, since when he gets a cold/sinus infection and it moves into his inner ear, he starts getting dizzy. The doc put him on a high-powered (and very expensive) antibiotic, and told him to stay home from work this week.

Doctor #2) I had an appointment with my wonderful doctor at the Fibro Clinic. I wish she were closer! I hate going, but I do like her. She didn’t chastise me for not doing a lot of the stuff I was supposed to do, gave me some results from some lab tests, and they took 9 or 10 vials of blood for more lab tests since it had been 9 months since I’d been there. I had an IV treatment and “energy” shot.

Herxed Again – The first time I went to the clinic and had an IV treatment I had what’s called a Herxheimer’s response. It’s an immune system reaction to the toxins that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off. This makes the original symptoms worse, or creates new ones.

It’s also referred to as a healing crisis, a detox reaction, or die-off syndrome. It’s a case of things getting worse before they hopefully get better. Anyway, I had it again this time. I guess it’s been so long, I’m pretty much starting over. I was pretty wiped out with the flu-like symptoms for a couple of days after the treatment.

Las Vegas - Richard and Chrystie are back from their trip to Las Vegas. They took lots of pictures, and it looks and sounds like they had a really good time. You can take a gander at the pictures here.

Weather - We’ve actually had a couple of rain storms the last couple of days. Not enough to make up for the long lack of water, but better than none!

And there you have it, another week’s worth of happenings!!

A Great Weekend and a Great Visit Draw to an End

Randy just called to let us know he made it home okay. I don’t know if he had a good time, but we sure enjoyed having him visit. He’s an easy to please house guest, and looks after himself a lot. We did a lot of talking, ate a lot more goodies than usual, and just generally had a good time.

Tomorrow it’s back to the routine with everyone going to work. At least for two days, then Wednesday I’ve got an appointment at the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Clinic near Atlanta. I can’t wait. (Not!)

A Lazy Saturday Afternoon

Usually on Saturdays we’re kind of busy, it being the one day a week Jess can get anything done unless he takes off from work. Today, however, we’re kind of laid back since we have company. No sheep round-ups, no shearing, no grocery shopping, no mowing, nothing that might be work. (Except of course, someone (me) has to cook meals, and clean up the kitchen….)

Randy was up bright and early yesterday and got here by 10:30am. Wow! And it’s a 6-hour drive! We didn’t do much yesterday but talk a lot, the usual farm chores, and go to Shoney’s for supper. What an exciting bunch we are!

Today Jess and Randy went up to Lynchburg to visit the Jack Daniels Distillery. I wasn’t feeling up to going, so had a rest while they gadded about. There is a new museum there now with all kinds of stuff. You can also go on an hour long tour and visit the different places where they actually make the whiskey, which is really interesting, but also tiring. It’s a lot of walking up and down hills, and somehow it seems there’s more uphill than downhill. They didn’t go on that today, but went over and walked around downtown Lynchburg.

I grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch, and made a blackberry cobbler for dessert. It took a while to clean those blasted blackberries, but they tasted good.

Richard and Chrystie are on their way to Las Vegas today. I guess they won’t have any internet access all week. Will they last or will they succumb to withdrawal symptoms and find some way for a quick fix??

Me, I wouldn’t last. I’d probably have to find a way to check my email. If you can do it on a ship in waters off Alaska, there ought to be a way to do it almost anywhere. Of course, some places are more expensive than others, which is the problem in Las Vegas.

But some things are worth the expense, ha, ha!