
The Not-So-Phantom Son Visits!

I'm soooooo far behind on everything, and like a duck in water, the visible part of me may seem pretty serene, but underneath where you can't see, I'm paddling madly trying to catch up! That means I'm rather slow getting out the latest news from around here.

We had a great time visiting with Randy this past weekend. In case you're wondering about the Phantom Son bit, when Jess and I got married, I didn't meet Randy for quite some time. Jess and Debra would talk about him, but I finally declared he was a figment of their imaginations, a phantom that didn't exist. So as a joke, he became known as The Phantom Son.

Thankfully we see a lot more of him these days! We enjoyed visiting with him and the Sanford clan in Florida over this past Thanksgiving. And I don't know about him, but we certainly had a good time visiting this past weekend.

Here's Jess & Randy strolling along in the back yard.

He and Jess did a lot of walking around outside, enjoying the scenery and shooting the bull (figuratively speaking of course, since we don't have any cattle, they didn't really get to shoot the bull, ha, ha).

They checked out all the animals, walked in the back yard and in the woods, down by the pond and in the front yard.

We ate pizza and some other good stuff, did crossword puzzles, talked a lot, and looked at lots and lots of old pictures. Randy wanted to see some of my old pictures. I'll bet he didn't realize I have a couple of boxes full, ha, ha! But I did try to quickly scan through them and just hand him the best ones. That doesn't mean I didn't hand him a few that were AWFUL pictures of me, and pretty laughable!

Before we knew it, it was Sunday afternoon and time for Randy to head home again.

Saying good-bye is always hard, but we had a great visit!