The secret behind this cake? It's made using a 3-D panda bear cake pan, a couple of cupcakes and of course, cookies for props! That pan has seen a lot of use through the years! It was a panda bear for Richard's first birthday in it's original incarnation, then got reincarnated as a Care Bear at various times for Richard, Jonathan and some special friends. Now here it is again, as a terrific Cookie Monster!
As for the tricycle part of this post's title, here's a picture Richard sent me of Ellie riding her tricycle. It got warm enough in the north land for them to go for a walk this past Sunday. (Of course, you realize "warm" is a relative term, and what I'd call warm and what they call warm are two totally different things!)

Richard mentioned that he had to adjust the tricycle because Ellie has grown so much.
Now, as for the pizza part of the title! Jonathan is now working next-to-full-time delivering pizza at Domino's Pizza. He can make more money delivering pizza than he could working a retail job, so there he is. In fact, he informed me last night when he came home that he'd made as much money in 2 days as it usually took him 30 hours to make at Toys R Us.
Oh, the irony... for the longest he didn't want to do pizza delivery because of the wear and tear on the car. However, Domino's has a policy of NO SPEEDING, and in fact, if you get a speeding ticket while delivering pizza, you get suspended. The last time he worked at pizza delivery they were pushing him to "speed up" so he could make faster deliveries (which ultimately led to driving a little too fast on a rain-slicked road over a mountain and wrecking and totaling his car). He'll still put the miles on the vehicle, but this store also doesn't have as big a delivery area as the last place he worked, so that will help, too.
So there we have it, some of life's blessings - Cookie Monster birthday cakes, Ellie riding a tricycle, and Jonathan delivering pizza. Sweet!
This post made me hungry!
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