But time’s, they’re always a changing. That’s just the way life is. Sometimes those changes are good, sometimes they don’t seem so good. I try to cling to the “all things work together for good” premise, but there’s no doubt my life isn’t anything like I imagined it when I was a kid. For instance…
- I was going to grow up to be a teacher or a writer. What happened? I went to school to be a nurse because that’s what my family thought would be good. You can always get a job as a nurse, right? Well, not if you are out of the field for years and years. I couldn’t even get a job at a nursing home after I got divorced.
- As a teenager, I dreamed of getting married, and growing old with the same guy, still holding hands when we were tottering around with our canes. Hmmmm, that didn’t work out either.
- I wasn’t going to live on a farm again, because I didn’t want to be tied down taking care of animals. So where am I living now????
- And when I was young, I was like most young people. I figured I’d be in good shape, healthy forever. It’s hard to envision living a life in pain when you’re a teenager and full of energy and youthful vitality!
But there’s changes, always changes!
- Address changes. How many address changes have I had??? Off the top of my head, I can think of 20 different places I’ve lived in 6 different states.
- People change. I have yearbooks with all these autographs saying “Best Friends Forever!” But with time, you walk such divergent pathways and lose touch, and there’s few that you can pick up and be the same best friends you were years and years ago.
- Interests change. Some by choice, some by necessity. I used to love to crochet and machine knit and do all kinds of crafts. I would dearly love to still be able to do that, and it bugs me I can’t make all the cute little outfits I’d envisioned making for grandchildren. The last I made were for the Sanford kids, and they’re getting all grown up now! No, I just can’t manage that stuff any more. So I’ve had to switch and focus on different interests, like more into photography and computers.
All kinds of changes! Too many to list changes! My size has changed, my health has changed, my life has changed. But hopefully, I’m changing for the better in the process. The new, improved me!
Cause mostly, I’ve been blessed with changes for the better. Even things that didn’t seem so good at the time have usually worked out to move my life in an improved direction.
I may not always like change, but most of the time it’s good for me.
Your blog inspires me--you inspire me.
Hi Tish...sounds like you but I wasn't sure from the picture. I wrote a long comment this morning and then didn't post it right so lost it. Think I can remember what I said???
I do remember saying that I'm with you in that things don't turn out the way we think they will or even how we were told they would. Yesterday's sermon had "hope does NOT disappoint" and I realized again that my hope has been placed where it doesn't belong...one sand. If I am hoping in God, I will not be disappointed. I am learning what it means...to let go of the pictures in my mind and let God make beautiful pictures out of things we think are impossible to redeem. Four of our children live their lives for themselves, the youngest making choices we thought would kill her as well as us. Someone we admire says often "the last chaper has not yet been written."
Oh man, I have done that soooo many times with the messing up the comments, that I finally learned to always highlight and copy the comment, so if it got messed up, I could just paste it in again and try to post it again.
and yes, life sure doesn't "live up" to our expectations sometimes!
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