
The Beat Of A Different Drummer. . .

Okay, I confess. I'm different. Maybe even eccentric. But definitely not part of the norm.

(And you can quit snickering RIGHT NOW, or rolling your eyes, or making comments along the lines of, "Tell me something I didn't already know!")

What prompted this renewed revelation was a glance down through all the posts on my Facebook home page. There are posts from lots of family and friends, and over and over I see comments like:

"Go BAMA!"
"Go Steelers!"
"Go Devils!"

There are people rooting for BAMA, Auburn, WVU, Steelers, Blue Devils, Manchester United, various NASCAR drivers, and for individuals and teams for just about every sport imaginable.

I can promise you, there is not ONE post from me cheering on any sports team. The closest I come to watching any "sport" is the competition on "Dancing With The Stars." All the football, baseball, basketball, tennis, golf, whatever, leaves me totally untouched. You want to talk sports with me, I'll listen because you are interested. But the bottom line is I couldn't care less. As in, believe it or not, I. DO. NOT. LIKE. SPORTS. PERIOD.

Yes, I know that puts me totally out of the norm. But frankly, the only sports that would grab my attention is when someone I care about is participating, like when Ryan is playing football for Lenoir-Rhyne University. The interest would be because I love Ryan, because one of our special grandkids is playing on that team, NOT because I care about football.

And it's not because I was never exposed to sports. For instance, since I was in the band, I went to every football game when I was in high school. And Jess and other family members talk, watch and love sports. Fine with me. He/they can watch all the sports he/they want. For myself, I'd rather compute or curl up with a good book.

Of course what constitutes a good book varies. My tastes in subjects is eclectic. Fiction or Non-Fiction, just depends on my mood. Fiction books of sci-fi, mysteries, fantasy, romance, suspense, classics, and more. Poetry. Non-fiction books on science, photography, copywriting, gardening, blogging, internet marketing, travel, medicine, research, natural cures, on specific computer stuff like Wordpress and Photoshop... I could go on and on.

The point is I love to read. There's a reason there are bookshelves in every room of the house!

So maybe most of the rest of the world loves sports. Fine. I have no wish to change to fit the mold. I'm just going to stick with Henry David Thoreau's philosophy:

"If a man loses pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away."

That works for WOmen too.