
Everyone Seems To Be Crazy Busy!

I just came in from doing chores, including a mad dash for the end of the driveway with our loaded trash cans when I heard the truck coming down the road. The usual trash day is Thursday, but since we had a holiday Monday, it's a day late. The guys dutifully took care of the trash yesterday . . . Jess carted the trash cans out to the end of the road; Jonathan carted them back. Just the tiny detail of nobody emptied the trash cans in-between!

It's the usual time for Phase Two of my day, where I switch from farm and housework to internet work. Only today is going to be a little different. I'm going to try to get most of the packing and stuff done for our trip...

Which we leave in THREE DAYS (but who's counting, right???). . .

I like to have stuff done ahead of time, then I don't stress so much when it's right close time to go. I do the same thing when we're flying somewhere. Get me to the airport way ahead of time, let me get through checking-in and security, and I'm a happy camper to just sit and read or something for an hour or two until it's time for the flight. I'm there, not worrying if I'm going to make it there and through security on time!

But I'm not the only busy one! Not by a long shot! Seems like everyone in our family is crazy busy right now.

* Richard, Chrystie & Ellie are flying to Vancouver, B.C. today. They'll have the weekend to sight-see, then Monday is a day full of appointments for Ellie at the Children's Hospital there to see if she's a candidate for spinal surgery to help her walk. (Kind of disappointing if she isn't, good if she is, scary if she is. . . as Chrystie says, it's not finger surgery, it's SPINE surgery).

* My niece, Bobbie, is having a C-section today for her 3rd child. Those are pretty routine these days, but no surgery is routine if you're the one having it!

* The Sanford Clan is always busy. With 4 young people, it's impossible not to be! Ryan is getting into his first year of college, Lee is back in college classes, Kellie has started back to school (her junior year of high school if I'm remembering right), and Emily has a new job working at an optometrist's office. Dave works, and Debra also, both at home and doing substitute teaching. Like I said, BUSY.

* Jess is crazy busy at work. The next time he's sitting around with nothing to do, I think we should plan a trip. That always brings in a lot of work, ha! He's trying to get some stuff ready for a bid due something like the 23rd of this month, but he insists he is NOT cutting our vacation time short to get it done!

He had quite a triumph earlier in the week. He prepared a big bid for someone, and when the bids were all read, the one he took in was opened and read last. . . and was lowest. So they beat out everyone and won the job! Even better, for a multi-million dollar job they left just a few thousand dollars "on the table" (the difference in the amount of their bid and the next lowest). Well done indeed!

There are lots of things I didn't mention, but you get the idea. And I'm sure there are even more things I don't know about!

Everyone in the family just seems to be going in a dozen different directions with bunches of stuff to do!