I’ve got a busy week planned. But then so do the guys.
Jess got some work in late last week, and had to go out yesterday morning to survey a future job site with his client. He'll have to go into the office tomorrow to work since the job is bid Wednesday morning. He can't be sure to get all the digitizing and figuring done on Tuesday, so he'll labor on Labor Day.
Jonathan will also Labor on Labor Day. He worked extra yesterday, as someone else needed off, but he got off today in return. He's already got a couple of overtime hours in, and they like to keep those to a minimum.
As for me, I need to do snail mail first thing tomorrow. Then I have 5 humor mailings to put together and send out one daily, Monday through Friday. I also need to catch up on laundry and ironing. The house could sure use a little care, especially the floors and bathrooms.
Of course, there are daily critter chores, and cooking, and then cleaning the kitchen back up.
And I need to start thinking what all I need to get packed up and ready to take on vacation. (Another reason I need to catch up on laundry!)
I need to get a new critter care sheet made so Jonathan will know what needs done while we’re gone.
And I still have my studies. There was a 1 ½ hour seminar yesterday morning about online marketing and getting to the top of Google. The bottom line is when someone searches for something online, most of the time they don’t get past the first page of search results. If you’re not on there, you’re not going to prosper.
It’s getting to the point I already know a great deal of what they talk about, but there’s almost always some new insights, ideas or ways of doing things to learn about. Yesterday’s seminar was no different.
I’ve got two webinars this week, each from 9pm-11pm, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday.
There is also stuff to be done in a course workbook, regular website upkeep, and article writing. . .
Yep, I believe I have enough to keep me busy this week.
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